Internal Healing
Mindfulness Meditation and Yoga
for Teens & Neurodivergent
"There is an old saying that consciousness is like a bucket of water. If the water tank is as small as an espresso cup, you can't drink it with just a little bit of salt. If the bucket is a huge drum, a few spoonfuls of salt won't make it taste salty. Water is the same and salt is the same, but simply by changing the ratio, the taste of water that we experience is completely different. Consciousness is like this. As we increase our ability to be aware, our mental strength increases and our quality of life changes. Mindfulness is actually simple. It is developing the capacity of the mind called awareness. Then you will be able to adjust the ratio of the noticing experience itself (water) to the noticing object (salt). You could say "training your consciousness" or simply saying that it increases the strength of your mind. According to scientific research, it can also be expressed as "consolidates the brain." As different parts of the brain are connected, the brain's capacity to control emotions, attention, thoughts, and behaviors increases, allowing us to live more flexible and freer lives. This is called integration. By learning to distinguish between what is noticed and the rate of noticing, it becomes possible to significantly increase the size of the bucket. You can not only turn on the salty water, but enjoy the taste of various waters. No matter how salty life is, you can fully immerse yourself in the experience of every moment. These skills will become a part of your life if you learn a method.
You can endure life's trials more easily and live life to the fullest. Both positive and negative experiences become acceptable. Expanding your consciousness and building the power of your mind—turning a cup of espresso into a giant drum—not only makes life more enjoyable, but it also makes you realize that everything is interconnected. This makes everyday experiences meaningful, In addition, you gain physical health. Well-being is achieved by developing attention, awareness, and intention. We will take a closer look at three learnable techniques: focused attention, open awareness, and kind intention. These three factors have been proven to foster the following in our lives:
1. Improving immune function to resist infection.
2. Optimization of Telomerase levels. This enzyme is responsible for maintaining the youth and function of cells (which are you) by repairing the terminal regions of our chromosomes.
3. Improved 'epigenetic' regulation to prevent life-threatening infections.
4. Improves cardiovascular health, i.e. cholesterol levels, blood pressure, heart function, etc.
5. Promotes the integration of neurons in the brain. Improved balance and coordination related to function and dogmatic connectivity within the nervous system aids normal functioning, such as self-control, problem-solving, and adaptive behavior.
This ability is, in fact, the key to well-being. In summary, your mind can change the health of your body and slow the aging process. and science says In addition to the objective facts that are so clearly received, there are facts that are subjective but have very strong meanings. That is, how you cultivate different aspects of your mind (how you focus your attention, how you open your mind, and how you direct your intentions in the direction of kindness and caring) will intensify your sense of well-being and enhance your connection with others. You feel more self-confidence (more empathy and compassion), you develop emotional balance and strength to overcome trials. Research shows that with this training, the clearer your meaning and purpose, the more comfortable you are with being." - Daniel Siegel
Anxiety and Phobias
Relationship Difficulties relationship difficulties
Life Transitions
Difficulties with Self-Esteem
Eating Issues
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
/post-traumatic stress disorder
School Issues
Pain Management pain management
Stress Management
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
/attention deficit
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder